Today I had my mom and Larry come to help watch Noah while I did some yard work! Matt was gone at a conference all day and so I needed some help! We were just sitting there playing with Noah and I told my mom to lay him on his stomach. When she did he ROLLED OVER!! I was so excited that he finally did it! I was a very proud momma!! He is almost 5 months and I was wondering when he was going to roll over. He never seemed like he was interested in doing it, but he did!! YAY!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
First Thanksgiving!
We began our Thanksgiving series on Tuesday. We took my dad and grandma out to eat for thanksgiving! So that they get to see Noah, I have to take them to eat or meet them somewhere other than their house because they smoke and the house is just covered in the smoke and smell! So we went to Chilis for Thanksgiving! It was fun, not long enough, but fun!
Great-grandma and Noah
Papa Buddy and Noah
We have been between Sand Springs and Sapulpa today! The good thing is we didn't have to go to Stillwater too! Noah let us sleep in today. That was wonderful! He didn't wake up until 9:40!! We got up and got ready to head out for the day! Our first stop was Matt's moms. We had lunch over there at 2:00, but we got there early to help out. Then we left there about 4:30 and headed to Matt's dads. We didn't spend much time there. We stayed until 6:00 and then went to Jamie's house for our last dinner. My brother came with his daughter and son! They are 2 and 4. We played and they climbed all over Matt and me, but they had fun!
It was a pretty good day!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Finally on the morning of July 8th I woke up with contractions. I was thinking that they were braxton hicks again, but decided to get up and shower just in case! By 10 am the contractions weren't hurting that bad, but were coming every 7 minutes. I called my doctor and they told me to head to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 12. We got a room and waited. My mom sped to the hospital! I was dilated to a 5 and just hung out. They broke my water at 5:15. I was only at a 6. They had to give me piticin to help speed things up. I broke down and got an epidural. I asked to have a low dose so I could feel some of the pain. That didn't last long! I had to get the dosage upped! I started pushing at about 8. My epidural wore off! I was in pain! Noah was being stubborn! His head was turned slightly and he was not coming! At 11 the doctor came in and tried the vacuum and that didn't help! Next he tried the forceps and I thought I was going to die! At 11:50, no baby and nothing was going to make him turn that head, so the doctor said it was time for a c-section.
If there was another option, we wouldn't have done a c-section. There was no way Noah was coming out on his own! They got the or ready and wheeled me down there. While they were giving me more anesthesia, Matt had to wait in the hall. I was shivering really badly. Matt came back in and they started. I heard the nurse say she needed a step stool to help pry him out. That was a little nerve racking! Noah was finally born at 12:49 am on July 9, 2010! He weighed 7 lbs and 15 oz and was 20.5 inches long! He was a big boy for me! No wonder I couldn't push him out. The doctor said that if it wasn't for the c-section he didn't know how we would have got him out! My nurse that I had was awesome! She was with me through the whole thing! She was supposed to get off at 11:00 but she stayed. I remember seeing her around 2 am! That is dedication! Noah had to spend some time in special care because his heart was beating really fast. The birth was traumatic for him! But other than that he was a healthy boy!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The week of the 24th I wasn't feeling well. I thought it was mostly sinus problems. My stomach started getting upset and I thought I was getting a virus because I do work with 6 and 7 year olds! I went to the doctor and she asked if I was pregnant. I told her I didn't think so but we had been trying. She said it looked like I was getting a sinus infection. I went home and felt ok. On Saturday, I went to An Affair of the Heart in OKC. I wasn't feeling the greatest and after an hour there I was feeling sick again. I was with Matts mom, Vicki. We decided to get something to eat. We got corndogs and I could only take a couple of bites and had to get rid of it! I knew something was wrong because I love corndogs! We ended up leaving soon after.
Matt was out hunting and I was very curious. I was supposed to start that day and hadn't yet. I decided, "what the heck" and took a pregnancy test. The first came out positive. I text Matt to call me. He text me back asking why and I couldn't wait to tell him in person, so I text him back that I had taken a test and it came out positive! When he got home I took another one and it was positive too! Next, we called parents! We couldn't hold it in! My parents came up on Sunday and my mom had to me take 2 more tests to make sure. All positive! We decided to wait to tell everyone else until we got it confirmed by the doctor.
We had set up an appointment for a doctor in Stillwater and then decided to switch to a doctor in Tulsa. We couldn't get an appointment until November 16th. Well we had to leave school early and were about 5 minutes away when they called to tell us the doctor got called in for a delivery. That was disappointing, but we understood! So we didn't get the pregnancy confirmed until December. It was official!! We started spreading the news!! The due date was set for June 30, 2010.
I went through "morning" sickness for the first 25 weeks! Not very much fun! Once that was over being pregnant was easier!! I didn't start showing for a long time! It was disappointing! I wanted that cute baby bump!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
June 27, 2009
Matt and I met at sonic. I grew up around a sonic. My parents met at sonic and my dad worked there while I was growing up! At 16 I started working there. I never dreamed I would meet somebody I would want to date there!! But Matt showed up. We started dating April 5, 2004. We dated for 4 years before he FINALLY proposed! He popped the big question when we went to Corpus Christie during spring break. We were bringing his grandma back from Texas. We had stopped at an inlet where the ocean came close to the highway. Matt wanted to watch the sunset, but I was complaining that I was cold. I had no clue what was coming!! He asked if we could walk slowly to the car and I agreed. We came to a dock that went out over the ocean and he wanted to watch the sunset so we did. As the sun was setting, he pulled out the ring and proposed!! I just kept asking "are you sure, are you sure?". I was shocked! He had to ask if I was going to say yes! I did and we got married on the hottest day of the year. And the wedding was an outside wedding! But I enjoyed it! Not many people stayed for the reception because it was so hot, but we had a blast! I even did a keg stand in my wedding dress! Classy, I know! Our honeymoon was in Playa del Carmen. It was very relaxing! We didn't do much at all! We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary! We didn't do much because I was pregnant. On our 2nd anniversary we will do something special!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New at blogging!
Ok, I have read other peoples blogs and have been thinking of doing one when I got pregnant with Noah! I have finally started the process. I like to write in a journal, so this should be good to help me remember things!
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