Finally on the morning of July 8th I woke up with contractions. I was thinking that they were braxton hicks again, but decided to get up and shower just in case! By 10 am the contractions weren't hurting that bad, but were coming every 7 minutes. I called my doctor and they told me to head to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 12. We got a room and waited. My mom sped to the hospital! I was dilated to a 5 and just hung out. They broke my water at 5:15. I was only at a 6. They had to give me piticin to help speed things up. I broke down and got an epidural. I asked to have a low dose so I could feel some of the pain. That didn't last long! I had to get the dosage upped! I started pushing at about 8. My epidural wore off! I was in pain! Noah was being stubborn! His head was turned slightly and he was not coming! At 11 the doctor came in and tried the vacuum and that didn't help! Next he tried the forceps and I thought I was going to die! At 11:50, no baby and nothing was going to make him turn that head, so the doctor said it was time for a c-section.
If there was another option, we wouldn't have done a c-section. There was no way Noah was coming out on his own! They got the or ready and wheeled me down there. While they were giving me more anesthesia, Matt had to wait in the hall. I was shivering really badly. Matt came back in and they started. I heard the nurse say she needed a step stool to help pry him out. That was a little nerve racking! Noah was finally born at 12:49 am on July 9, 2010! He weighed 7 lbs and 15 oz and was 20.5 inches long! He was a big boy for me! No wonder I couldn't push him out. The doctor said that if it wasn't for the c-section he didn't know how we would have got him out! My nurse that I had was awesome! She was with me through the whole thing! She was supposed to get off at 11:00 but she stayed. I remember seeing her around 2 am! That is dedication! Noah had to spend some time in special care because his heart was beating really fast. The birth was traumatic for him! But other than that he was a healthy boy!