Sunday, June 3, 2012

It was a year ago since I wrote on here, so I thought I better update! We moved into our new house and started fixing it up... Well matt is fixing it up, I "supervise"! We got new carpet, painted, redid the flower beds, and will soon be getting new flooring on the lower level! There is more to do, but it is coming along nicely!
Matt ran a 5k in April. One year after the doctor said he probably wouldn't ever run again! Not only did he run it, BUT he also placed 3rd in his age group! I was so proud of him!!
Another update: we had a daughter on April 24th!!! Her name is Sophia (I call her Sophie) Jo Grace. The Jo comes from my grandmother, who passed away in February, and matt's grandmother. The Grace is for Matt's great-grandmother. Noah is doing great at being a big brother. He loves to give her kisses. He overdoes it at times!
Noah got tubes in his ears on June 1st. It was a quick surgery. The doctor came out after 8 minutes and told us it went great! When they first took him back, I thought I was going to throw up! He did really good once we got him home.
These are the updates that I remember at the moment! If I forgot anything then I will add it later! It may be next year!

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