Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sophie's Delivery

I can FINALLY post about Sophie's delivery. It was a completely different experience than with Noah. Sophie was a scheduled c-section. We had to show up at 7:00 am on April 24th and the doctor would do the rest! I was SO nervous!!

This is the picture before we went to the hospital! 

We got to the hospital and they tell me that it could be sooner than expected. Great! I thought I was going to get sick. It was different with Noah because I didn't know what to expect and it was still a surprise to wake up and then realize that it was time to go to the hospital. I had several months to think about this date and what would happen. The doctor was able to do the delivery sooner. Matt's family wasn't even there yet! The roll me down to the OR and Matt has to wait outside while they do the spinal block. 

The "dad" chair, where Matt had to wait!

Let me just say, with Noah I had an AWESOME nurse. She was great and I don't think I will ever forget her. This time I didn't have a chance to get to know my nurse and so I didn't feel as comfortable with her! So I hated having to leave Matt outside.
Back in the OR the nurses and anesthesiologist were just having a wonderful time. They were talking away and it was like I wasn't even there. I heard all about what they did that weekend and the vacation one nurse took. "HELLO YOU HAVE A NERVOUS MOTHER HERE!" I wanted to scream! Don't mind me, I'm just the one about to be cut open. I was so nervous and worried and didn't want to hear them jabber! They finally did the spinal and Matt got to come in! And the doctor showed up! He made me feel better too! 
What Matt saw when he walked in! 

Now it is go time. The spinal had me feeling funny. I didn't like it at all (I didn't feel this way with Noah). I felt like I need to move my legs and straighten them out, but couldn't. I guess this is how someone who is paralyzed feels. It was a terrible feeling. They got her out with no problem. And I didn't feel any pressure like I did with Noah. Matt even got to cut her cord!! They took her over and weighed her and cleaned her a little. She was a healthy 7 lbs and 3 ozs. 20 1/2 inches long. Perfect! 
Matt got to walk with her down to the room with the family waiting! (Another difference from Noah's: Noah couldn't be carried down the hall because he was going to special care after being cleaned up.)
I know it is a little blurry, but the nurse with Matt took it! He was holding Sophie (or baby Watkins at this point) so she had to take the picture. This is what Matt walked into! 

I was still being sown up, so I got to hear about this! Apparently, Noah did not recognize daddy in his white outfit. Matt had to take it off for Noah to go to him! 

Noah didn't know what to think of his new sister either! But he eventually warmed up to her! 

I finally was finished and they wheeled me into the recovery room! My legs still felt weird and I was itching and really red in the face! Stupid side effects!

While I was laying here, I asked Jamie to straighten my leg because it felt like it was bent. She told me it was straight! I told you that it felt funny.
My sister stayed with me in the hospital. Matt had to get home with Noah and go back to work. I was really thankful she stayed. I hated being by myself when Noah was born! I felt sorry for her though. She would stay and get up in the morning to go to work, after being woken up every 2 hours for me to feed Sophie! Thank you Jamie for being there! You are the best sister!
One thing that I must recommend is that if you have a c section: get up and move around! I was forced to with Noah and this time they left me alone. I was up walking around and feeling pretty good with Noah. It took me longer to recover with Sophie and I truly believe that it was because I wasn't as active from the moment they let me get out of bed. I regretted that! If we decide to have another child and it has to be by c section, I will keep this is mind!
It took a couple days but we finally came up with a name! It was hard, but we did it! Sophia Jo Grace won! I call her Sophie! Matt's stepdad calls her Sojo. Matt calls her tootsie because she is one gassy little girl! Everybody is happy!

2 Months Later:
She just got her 2 month shots. She did ok with them. She ran a fever and didn't really eat that well afterwards. But she seems to be back to her normal self! Yay!! She is making noises and lifts her head pretty good! She is able to be breastfed longer than Noah! I am producing more milk and she is growing! She weighs 10lbs and 3oz. It was exciting to see that! I was having second thoughts about wanting to breastfed her and wanting to change to formula, but it was exciting to see that I am the reason she is growing! I might stick with it longer;)

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