When I got pregnant with Noah, one of the pregnancy side effects I had to deal with was (among being sick) upset stomachs. I just assumed that they were from being pregnant. I went the whole pregnancy like this. I thought once I had him the stomach aches would go away. They didn't. I went to my dr and talked with him about them. He thought that I had anxiety being a new mom and IBS. He gave me some medicine. I didn't think it helped that much. I just dealt with it until I got pregnant with Sophie. During that pregnancy, the stomach aches stopped. I would be sick occasionally, but nothing like before! I was excited and thought that maybe getting pregnant again was reversing whatever happened with Noah!
After having Sophie, my stomach went back to being upset ALL the time. I had Sophie in April and when school started, I was constantly having to ask my partner to watch my class while I ran to the bathroom. She was probably sick of me asking her! I was going to go to the dr in November, when we had our Thanksgiving break, but I felt silly going in and just saying that I get sick after eating. I kept putting off going to the dr. In January, I was still sick and losing weight. I started looking horrible! I got down to 85 lbs and that was low for me! I set up an appointment and was told that I would have to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I would NEVER wish a colonoscopy on anybody. It was horrible having to prep for that! The stuff that you have to drink is terrible!!
We got the results back that I have Celiac Disease. The dr wanted to make sure that he diagnosed me properly and sent me in for blood work. The blood work came back negative. So I had to go back for a genetics screening. The genetics screening said that I was a carrier for Celiac and so the dr was sure that was what was wrong. I had to go on a whole new diet. :(
Gluten is wheat, rye, barley, and some oats. I couldn't eat anything with these or I would end up in the bathroom. There are a ton of foods with gluten in them. Lucky for me, I was diagnosed when it became a diet fad to be gluten free. Finding food for me was easier than it would have been a year ago! It still isn't fun because I LOVE fried food and bread! I am getting used to it and found out that I can make fried chicken with gluten free Bisquik. I didn't cook before. My husband is great at cooking and has been wonderful with helping me with my new diet! Now, I cook some of my own meals.
I am learning what I can and can't eat and where I can and can't eat! I don't eat out a lot because I usually end up sick, but I have found some places that are ok for me to eat. I just have to make sure to mention that the cooks need to change gloves or wash hands before preparing my food! Yes, I am that annoying person! It is getting easier, I hope to have my diet down before the start of school so I don't have to bug my partner this year!!
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